Sharing What We Know About Love and Loss

At, we believe in the creative and transformative power of words. In times of sorrow, sharing our stories can help heal ourselves and others. We invite you to share a daily journal entry from your All the Words We’ll Never Say guided journal. If you don’t own the journal, we welcome any original article, story, poem, or song about the challenges of surviving loss. To share, simply scroll down and complete the form at the bottom of this page.

For those who prefer privacy, you’re welcome to use “anonymous” or a pen name. However, please provide a valid email address so we can respond to you.

Are you journaling?

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Haven't skipped one day

My husband passed away in June and I ordered one for myself and one for my 16-year old son. We started on the same day and have challenged each other to not skip a day. He is finally opening up to me and even asks me how I responded to some of the prompts. It’s helping us both.

This journal is like a gift from God

“When my Mom died my therapist suggest journaling. Not sure why, but I was SO resistant! My aunt bought this journal for me and I and felt obligated to use it. Now I’m 3 weeks in and I look forward to this every day. The prompts really do help me process all of these feelings and I’m learning to give myself more grace when I fall apart.”

I have given four of these as gifts

I have had 3 deaths in my family this year and this journal has been a lifesaver for me and I think it is really helping my 2 sisters and my uncles to process what we are all going through.

Did you know?

Clinical research correlates daily prompted journal writing with fewer symptoms of prolonged grief, depression, anxiety and mental stress—as well as improvement in overall physical health.

Our Shared Stories

Please use the contact form below to request instructions on how to submit your file. If you prefer to remain private, you may use “anonymous” or a pen name, but we do need a valid email address to reach you.

15 + 12 =

Eight sample pages from All the Words We’ll Never Say guided journal.

Shared Stories